1. Prayer – some one asked
us The secret behind our explosive growth is “The fervent prayers of our faithful prayer supporters.” Friends,
the harvest is plentiful, and ready. Your prayers make a difference, in opening up closed hearts and in enabling the
laborers to go forth. We ask for your faithful prayers in taking the Gospel and establishing His Kingdom amongst the unreached
in India.
2. Financial Support - We appreciate
your financial support. If you would
like to become a financial partner, you may decide to give on a regular basis or as God leads.
3. Plant a Church – Individuals,and
churches may consider planting a church among the unreached by sending a missionary.
4. Sponsor a Child – You may
consider sponsoring a child partially or fully, as God leads you.
5. Provide a Tool – We have
listed several major and minor projects. If God lays it on your heart, we would welcome you to consider providing one of the
6. Represent RBC – Please
consider representing RBC to your friends, your church, and Christians in your area, as the Lord enables and guides you.
Thank you so much for your generosity to pray and support the Rehoboth
Bible Church. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.