Rev. Johnly Vengayil was born on Octobor 11, 1976 to proud parents, K.J.John and Leelamma John in a village called
Cheenthalar, which is in the area of Kerala, India.
Pastor K.J.John was known by many to be a man of prayer. Soon after Johnly's birth, he was diagnosed
with childood asthma, this caused his parents to pray fervently for him. He began to recover slowly, but by the time he was
4 years old, there was an incident where the doctors denied him stay in the hospital, and adviced his parents to prepare
for the worst, the doctors believed that he would die within 4 days.
His parents believed in God, so much that they refused the report of the doctors. They never wavered in faith,
but took their son home, and began to fast and pray before the Lord for their son's deliverance and healing. They
believed the Lord wanted them to fast, and pray for 5 days, but miraculously on the 3rd day Johnly had been healed by the
The next days were filled with praise, and thanksgiving unto God Almighty, and culminated in their dedicating
their son Johnly,and his life to the Lord.
Rev Johnly at 16 was led by the Spirit of the Lord to go to North India for the ministry, this
troubled him, because he knew no one there. Even so, he was obedient to the call of God, and went forth. He studied at
Grace Bible College, and after he graduated he worked with Campus Crusade. In 2001, he felt the call of God to
begin church planting, and when he started the ministry there were only 3 people.
As of right now, this Apostolic move of God has established an orphanage, Rehoboth Bible Training Centre,
and 40 churches in 7 different states of India.
Please uphold him, his wife Annie,and their son Godwin in your prayers that the Lord may continue to protect
them, lead them, and prosper them as they labor in love for His will to be done in India, all for the glory of His Kingdom.