Population - 1.1 billion
Languages - 1652
People groups - 4624
Christians - 2.5%
Most of these people groups have never heard the gospel
and many do not have Bibles translated in their own languages.
God bless you today as you serve the Risen Lord.
One of the visual images that will always stay with us is a family of beggars near a slum in India.
As is quite common, the little children of this particular family were dodging in and out of dense traffic asking for money
which they brought back to their mother. They were so dirty that they blended in with the filthy street and were very
hard to see. Likely they've never had a bath or ever brushed their teeth. It made me want to weep.
A few months ago there was a news photograph on the front page of a newspaper published in Bombay,
of a dog and a little child lying on the street. As you look closer, it became apparent that the boy was drinking the Dog's
milk. In fact, the caption read, "The dog is the child's mother."
In Bombay alone it's estimated that hundreds of thousands of street kids roam the streets, without
parents, looking for scraps of food in the dumps and garbage heaps.
I hope that you and I will learn to pray more for these downtrodden people. I pray that you and I
can really feel the burden that Jesus has for them and do something about it.
Signs are Pointing to North India
SIGN #1: North India is strategically important in completing the unfinished task of world evangelization.
The church in India has a rich and very long history, some say dating back to the Apostle Thomas.
In fact, India is where the era of modern missionary efforts began nearly two hundred years ago with the arrival of William
Carey, called by many the father of modern missions.
Historically, most of the growth of the Indian church has been concentrated in the southern
and northeastern parts of the country. While the church there is alive and well, pastors and missionaries both in and out
of India have long noticed the special needs and strategic importance of the northern part of the country - an area often
called "the North India-Hindi Belt."
This area stretches across north and central India and covers nine states: Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya
Pradesh, Uttar Predesh, Delhi, Jammu Kashmir, Punjab, Himachel Pradesh and Haryana. Why is this area so important?
- It is a major population center. The Ganges River belt contains one of the most
heavily populated regions of the world. If Uttar Pradesh were a country, it would be the seventh most populous in the world;
if Bihar were a country, it would be the thirteenth. Forty percent of the total Indian population lives there, some 400 million
- It is a political center. New Delhi is the capital and center of political power
in India. Practically everything flows from this area of the country.